10 Weird Facts About Bodybuilding That Will Surprise You

Bodybuilding is a fascinating sport that requires dedication, discipline, and a deep understanding of the human body. While most people are familiar with the basics of lifting weights and eating protein, there are many strange and lesser-known facts about bodybuilding that might surprise you. Here are 10 weird facts about bodybuilding that you probably didn't know!

  1. Bodybuilders Dehydrate Themselves Before Competitions
    You might think bodybuilders are always striving to stay hydrated, but before competitions, many bodybuilders intentionally dehydrate themselves. By cutting water intake and using diuretics, they reduce the subcutaneous water (water under the skin) to make their muscles appear more defined and their skin thinner. This can create a sharper, more chiseled look on stage, but it's a risky practice that needs to be done carefully.
  2. Eating Raw Eggs Wasn't Just a Movie Thing
    The iconic scene of Rocky Balboa downing raw eggs wasn't just Hollywood drama. In the past, many bodybuilders believed that eating raw eggs provided a quick and efficient way to ingest protein. However, consuming raw eggs carries the risk of salmonella, and modern bodybuilders typically prefer cooked eggs or protein shakes for their protein intake.
  3. Some Bodybuilders Eat Over 7,000 Calories a Day
    While most of us would struggle to eat even 3,000 calories a day, some professional bodybuilders consume more than 7,000 calories daily during their bulking phase. This extreme caloric intake helps them gain muscle mass, but it also requires eating large amounts of food frequently throughout the day, sometimes even in the middle of the night.
  4. Bodybuilders Practice “Vacuum Poses” to Shrink Their Waists
    The vacuum pose, where bodybuilders suck in their stomachs to create the illusion of a smaller waist, is a technique that dates back to the golden era of bodybuilding. Despite its odd appearance, this pose requires a strong core and diaphragm control. Some bodybuilders train their abdominal muscles specifically to master this unique and difficult pose.
  5. Tanning Can Make Muscles Look Bigger
    It might seem superficial, but the dark tans that bodybuilders sport on stage are actually strategic. A deep tan enhances muscle definition and gives the illusion of greater size by creating shadows in the crevices of the muscles. This practice is so common that many competitions even have specific guidelines for tanning products.
  6. Bodybuilding Poses Are a Workout in Themselves
    Posing may look easy, but it's actually incredibly demanding. Holding and transitioning between poses requires intense muscle control, endurance, and strength. Bodybuilders spend hours practicing their poses, not just to look good on stage but also to build the endurance needed to hold them for extended periods.
  7. Leg Day Isn't Just a Meme—It's Crucial for Hormone Production
    The internet loves to joke about “skipping leg day,” but focusing on leg workouts is actually crucial for bodybuilders. Exercises like squats and deadlifts target large muscle groups, which can stimulate the release of growth hormones and testosterone, helping to promote overall muscle growth throughout the body.
  8. Some Bodybuilders Drink Breast Milk
    Yes, you read that right. A small subset of bodybuilders consumes breast milk, believing it to be a natural source of nutrients and growth hormones. While breast milk is nutrient-dense, there's no scientific evidence to suggest that it offers any significant advantages over more conventional supplements or protein sources for muscle growth.
  9. The “Pump” Is Not Just a Feeling—It's a Real Physiological Phenomenon
    Bodybuilders often talk about the “pump,” that sensation when their muscles swell during a workout. This isn't just a feeling—it's a real physiological response where blood is forced into the muscles, making them temporarily larger and more vascular. The pump is a sign of an intense workout, and many bodybuilders chase this feeling as a marker of a successful session.
  10. Bodybuilders Often Eat the Same Meals Every Day
    Variety may be the spice of life, but for many bodybuilders, consistency is key. Some stick to eating the exact same meals every day, carefully measuring out their macronutrients and calories to ensure they're meeting their goals. This monotonous eating routine helps them maintain control over their diet, but it can be a strange concept for those who enjoy a more varied diet.


Bodybuilding is full of interesting, strange, and sometimes downright weird practices that set it apart from other sports. Whether it's dehydrating before a competition or consuming thousands of calories a day, these unusual facts highlight the lengths bodybuilders go to achieve their ideal physiques. Next time you hit the gym, you might just have a newfound appreciation for the dedication and quirks that come with the sport of bodybuilding!

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